The articles i write and post on my blog primarily cover life, literature & philosophy of Swami Swaroopanandajee of Pawas in Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra. He was the the TORCHBEARER of NATH SAMPRADAY of 20th Century. His primary contribution is transliteration of three major works of Saint Jnyaneshwar viz- 1) Jnyaneshwari 2) Amrutanubhav & 3) Changdev Pasashti in Abhang meter in present day Marathi. I was initiated in Nath Sampraday by him in the year 1968.

Friday, January 5, 2024




Sant Dnyāneshwar (1275-1296).

I feel that, Sant Niwrattinath  must have been extremely  happy and  highly  impressed  by  great poetical-talent,  deep  philosophical  insight  and spellbinding-oratory  of  his  whiz kid  sibling, his disciple Sant Dnyaneshwar,  during latter’s  discourses on“Shrimadbhagawadgeeta”.

Small  wonder  then,  that, this  must have  made SantNiwrattinath,  sometime  after  year 1290, to  prompt SantDnyaneshwar,  to  write  about  latter’s  experience of resonance/union,  with  God/Almighty/ cosmic consciousness. He very well knew  that, Sant Dnyaneshwar  is  a perfect  vehicle/medium  for  such a herculean  task,  having  walked the  talk. 

There  is no doubt  that, “Dnyaneshwari” is a masterpiece  of Marathi  literature.  However,  Sant  Dnyaneshwar  had to restrict  his  flight  of  imagination  within  the  framework of “Geeta”.  As  against  this, “Amrutanubhav”,  is  a unique narrative,  of  his own  experience,  of  oneness/union   with the FORMLESS,  the  ABSOLUTE.  King  of  semantics, the literature  lord,  Sant  Dnyaneshwar,  with  his abundant, unfathomable vocabulary,  therefore,  takes  the  reader  on a completely different  plane, in "Amrutanubhav". 

Here we must remember that FORMLESS does not mean without a form. It means the all pervasive/ omnipresent, which is not bound by any particular form or all forms put together. 

Compared  to “Dnyaneshwari”, “Amrutanubhav”, is much smaller  in  volume.  It has 806  stanzas (Ovis)  in  10 Chapters,  as  against  18  Chapters  and  9033  stanzas, (Ovis)of “Dnyaneshwari”.  

Nevertheless, it  is  very  rich  in  its content.

Sant  Tukaram, in  one of  his  “Abhangs”, has  said,  that, saints wealth  is  gems  of  words  and  so is their weaponry. Master  of vocabulary,  Sant  Dnyaneshwar’s  entire literature  is  an amazing  example Sant  Tukaram’s Abhang,  it is strewn with jewelry  of  his  words. It is astonishing, there  is  no trace  of criticism,  offensive/bad  words,  or derogatory remarks,anywhere in  his  literature,  in  spite  of the  fact,  that,  he  and  his siblings  faced great humiliation, were looked  down  upon and disdained  by  the  society  being  the children  of  a  man  who, before  their  birth  had embraced SANYASA the path of renunciation.

Truly speaking, all his literary works are unique and unparalleled. These are the masterpieces of Marathi literature. The central  theme of his writing is focused  on Chidvilaswad, that is “Adwaita”/ monism.  

I personally  feel, “Amrutanubhav” tops the list  of  his major works, being rendering  of  his heart without straightjacket of any framework. Coming from  the  bottom of his heart it is captivating. Touching  the  right cord it conquers/rules, readers hearts.

Most  of  the  scriptural  writings  are  in  the  dialogue  form. All three major works of Sant Dnyaneshwar, are no different . " Dnyaneshwari", is a dialogue with the audience, and "Changdev Pasashti" a dialogue with a Yogi which is in the form of a letter.

"Amrutanubhav", however, is a dialogue with self. It is a kind of a soliloquy/monologue. For any conversation/dialogue minimum two individuals are required, whereas here there is none else. It is the Godhead doing loud thinking through Sant Dnyaneshwar for the benefit of the mankind, the humanity as a whole. 

It is but natural that being many Centuries old, it was becoming more & more difficult to discern the language of this philosophical treasure by Saint Dnyaneshwar Maulee, descendant of Lord Visnu. 

It was at this time, Sadguru Swami Swaroopanand (Pawas) 20th Century’s torch bearer of Nath Sampraday was born. Through his resolute devotion and ascetic lifestyle ascended to be the APOSTLE of his idol Sant Dnyaneshwar Maulee. 

Being a born poet, he transformed, all three major works of Maulee in Abhang Metere, after self realization in present day Marathi. To the best of my knowledge he is the only Saint poet who has done this literary HAT TRICK. 

Erudite Swamijee accomplished this herculean task  without disturbing the Central theme of Chidwilaswad propunded by Sant Dnyaneshwar Maulee, which is the essence, soul of the original works, with such elan & elegance that the readers are attracted towards these.

Swamijee has thus revived this Centuries old Upanishadic knowledge for coming generations. 

Madhav Ranade


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