Swami Swaroopanand followed and preached/professed philosophy of integral non-dualism, of Natha Sampradaya. (Natha Sect).. In this approach the seeker acquires understanding of the reality in its fundamental oneness.
The differences that we observe, are in fact the manifestation of that all pervasive, all inclusive Unity, of the Absolute, in its diversity. In this school of thought, distinctions of ethics, religion, logic and metaphysics are all erased.
In its essence, the Absolute reality is non-conceptual, non-dual, and logically indefinable.
Swamijee conveys the same message through Abhangas (Ballads) Nos- 255 and 124 of collection of his 261 melodious lyrics titled “ Sanjeevani- Gatha”.
He mentions that the seeker gradually progresses in three distinct stages/phases
He narrates, that, as the flame of enlightenment kindles in the heart of the seeker, it makes a person understand that mere bodily existence is not the real self. As a result of many births in human form, with some name that an individual carries/is known by, knowledge of real self becomes obscure and we start distancing ourselves from the absolute. We start believing that we are the doer. Our ego pulls us away from the real self.
Truly speaking, our existence is similar to that of a wave on an ocean. If a wave feels, that, it has its own entity, it is incorrect. Each wave owes its being to the ocean. Wave is, because of the ocean. Our relationship with the omnipresent, the cosmic energy, is as wave is to the ocean.
Every human being, in fact everything that is seen/visible is a vortex/ wave on that ocean of cosmic consciousness.
When this understanding, is firmly embedded, that is the first step on the path of self-realisation. This knowledge removes the illusionary ignorance of distinction of various entities from the mind of such a person, which is otherwise visible to a human eye. That, according to Swamijee, is the second step of the seeker towards self realization. The third and final stage Swamijee says, is when the seeker remains in that state of mind. Such a state Swamijee says, is beyond description.
In stanza No -124 of “ Sanjeewani -Gatha”, Swamijee says, the “REAL SELF” is indescribable. Thy grace is beyond, words might, flight of imagination, reach of logic and hence not perceptible by mind or sensory organs. Swamijee concludes by saying, that, he got direct experience of the grace of that COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS due to the blessings/benevolence of his Sadguru (Master), which even the VEDIC scriptures describe as unending/endless and hence unfathomable.
We too can have similar experience through TM ( Transcendental Meditation) by following the path shown to us by our Sadgru scrupulously, with total faith/ submission provided his blessings/benevolence is showered on us.